Following a busy development period in the second half of 2019, we are delighted to account that InterSurgeon now welcomes NGOs, Federations and Professional Organisations.

The video below provides an overview of how it all works:

And, for our early-adopter organisations, we’ve also just launched a feature that allows organisations to empower their individual location managers to manage their own content on InterSurgeon, under the umbrella of your organisation. Here’s another quick video guide:

All organisations are able to add:

  • Details of their locations around the world – shown on our new organisation map
  • Details of upcoming events – publicly accessible in our organisation events listings
  • Offers & Requests – allow our global community to help solve your problems

We encourage our existing clinical members to help spread the word. So if you work with an organisation, please let them know that they can now broadcast their work to the Global Surgery community on InterSurgeon.