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Start Date

29 Oct 2022

Start Time

7:00 (America/Los_Angeles)

End Date

29 Oct 2022

End Time

8:00 (America/Los_Angeles)

Event Language

  • English

Online event type

Beyond the 'Wearables!' - An Introduction to the newest and latest non-wearable camera for the OR.

Event Description

Ryan De’Larami, founder and CEO of TeleVU will introduce us to CamVU! The newest and latest non-wearable camera for the OR. It’s super easy to set-up, simple to move and use, mentor-controlled and best of all, Ohana One is helping NGO’s fund them for surgical training!

What is CamVU? Control almost any camera feed within the TeleVU platform with a panoramic view or a focal view. With the focal view, you can use any USB-based camera (including dermatoscopes, otoscopes, microscopes, webcams, etc.), to view the area of interest by manually positioning the cameras.

Ryan will also introduce us to BioVU. A cloud-based Remote Vital Signs Monitoring platform comprising the BioVU Quattro 4-in-1 palm-sized vital signs monitor, a user-friendly app (iOS & Android) and a dashboard for viewing and sharing information. The platform uses sophisticated algorithms to triage the patient, create alerts and define customized care plans. In addition, through the BioVU platform, patients can easily communicate securely with their care providers through messaging or video calls.

Title: Beyond the 'Wearables!'
Date: Saturday, October 29th
Time: 7:00 - 8:00 AM PDT
Presenter: Ryan De’Larami, CEO and Founder of TeleVU

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If you would like more information please contact Megan Demijohn at