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Start Date

06 Feb 2025

Start Time

16:00 (America/New_York)

End Date

06 Feb 2025

End Time

17:00 (America/New_York)

Event Language

  • English

Online event type

Anticipating, Mitigating and Managing Tracheostomy Emergencies

Event Description

Description: This webinar aims to outline and discuss the concept of anticipating and managing tracheostomy emergencies. We will discuss common pre-emergency scenarios and how these might be managed to mitigate risks. We will explore pathways for the management of emergencies using established and evidence-based algorithms and strategies for successful implementation. We will gain valuable insights into emergency preparedness from the perspective of patients and families. Participants will gain practical strategies for that can be implemented to enhance safety outcomes.

Featured Speakers:
1. A/Prof Stephen Warrillow MBBS PhD FRACP FCICM
Director, The Department of Intensive Care, Austin Health
Medical Director, Division of Medical Services, Austin Health
Assoc. Professor, The University of Melbourne, Department of Critical Care
Assoc. Professor, The University of Melbourne, Austin Precinct Department of Surgery
Past President, The Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society

2. Professor Brendan McGrath, MB, ChB, PhD
Professor University of Manchester Academic Health Services Centre
Consultant in Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine
Chair, National Tracheostomy Safety Project

3. Christina J. Yang, MD, MSc
Director, AeroDigestive program At Montefiore (ADAM)
Associate Professor
Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Montefiore Medical Center
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Chair, GTC Database Committee

4. Ryan Jolly MSN, APRN, PMHNP-BC
Chair of the Parent Family Advisory Council (PFAC) for the Beacon Clinic Children’s Mercy

5. Vinciya Pandian, PhD, MBA, MSN, RN, CRNP
Associate Dean for Graduate Education | Professor of Nursing
Joint Faculty, Department of Otolaryngolgy Head and Neck Surgery, Penn State College of Medicine
President, Global Tracheostomy Collaborative

6. Ricky Williams, MHCM, RRT
Clinical Manager, Respiratory Therapy Department. Medstar
Georgetown University Hospital
All people and family members with lived experience with a tracheostomy and interprofessional team members including physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists, speech-language pathologists, physical/physiotherapists, anesthesia/critical care specialists, and other physical medicine and rehabilitation professionals.

1. To understand and anticipate tracheostomy emergencies in paediatric and adult populations
2. To discuss system readiness and collaborative pathways to recognize and respond to tracheostomy emergencies
3. To engage stakeholders and leverage technology to improve emergency readiness