Help Lightning

Remote expertise through the power of merged reality

Access to this ground-breaking technology is included at no cost with an InterSurgeon clinician membership. Help Lightning allows experienced surgeons to guide and interactively assist others during operations in real-time, anywhere in the world.

Join InterSurgeon today

What are the benefits of Help Lightning for surgeons?

In light of the pandemic, and for the foreseeable future, the conventional ways of establishing collaborative partnerships through physical visits are not going to be possible. However, because Help Lightning allows surgeons to collaborate remotely, partnerships can still develop – and more easily than ever before. Help Lightning can be used as a tool for education, mentorship and instruction – as well as for intraoperative case management. It allows both surgical planning and real-time intraoperative advice.

How does it work?

Watch this video to learn how Help Lightning works. This shows use cases in other industries – it’s every bit as useful with surgical applications and can also be used hands-free. All you need to use Help Lightning is your smartphone and an internet connection, though it can also be used with tablets, desktop computers and smart surgical glasses.

Download a beginner’s guide to Help Lightning here: Help Lightning Basic Training

Virtual help in real-time

Help Lightning uses Merged Reality to blend two real-time video streams – e.g. that of a remote surgical expert and another surgeon that needs help – into a collaborative environment. This Merged Reality allows the expert to virtually reach out and direct real surgical procedures or training.

Help Lightning

Use your existing devices

Help Lightning runs on your existing mobile devices (iOS, Android) or a web-browser on laptop and desktop computers.

Surgeons can now provide remote assistance as though they’re working side-by-side. They can telestrate, freeze images, use hand gestures, and even add real objects into the merged reality environment.

Help Lightning Software

Be there instantly

Help Lightning is easy, fast and intuitive.

Once you’re in a merged reality call with a colleague or customer, simply tap the mode to change how you interact. Choose whether you’re giving or receiving help, and start collaborating in seconds. Help Lightning’s unique Merged Reality can add missing visual cues, gestures, and non-verbal communication methods to any session.

Help Lightning
Help Lightning

Using Help Lightning with smart surgical glasses

Take Help Lightning to the next level by pairing it with smart glasses. This innovation allows the wearer to benefit from the assistance of AI or a third-party while performing surgery. When used in conjunction with Help Lightning, smart glasses mean that another surgeon can see exactly what you are seeing and what you’re doing – and also have their hands superimposed over your field of view.

There are a number of models available from different manufacturers including VUZIX, Zebra, and RealWear.

The Advantage of Remote Expertise

Studies show that adding gestures and nonverbal clues substantially improves the speed of understanding. Furthermore, nonverbal cues are 430% more effective than verbal cues and nonverbal cues make Help Lightning’s combination of verbal and nonverbal communication up to 10 times more effective.

Sources: Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, British Journal of Clinical Psychology

Join InterSurgeon today and use Help Lightning for free

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Specialty Registration

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If you are representing a hospital department, please indicate that here. Otherwise choose 'Individual Surgeon'

2Contact information

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Please enter your personal name (forename)

Please enter your family name (surname)

Please enter any suffixes you wish to appear after your name – e.g. MD, PhD, FACS

Please ensure that you use an active email address that will not expire or deactivate in the near future and check that it is correct before continuing. NB: It is not possible to change your username later, except by contacting InterSurgeon’s support team.

The name chosen here will be how you are addressed in email communications – it will only be seen by you

Social profiles

Please enter your LinkedIn Profile URL

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Please add the URL of your personal website here, if applicable

3Location information

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Where are you based?

The city in which you practice

The state, county or administrative zone in which you practice

Please choose a country from the list

4Further information

Do you (or your department) currently have partnerships with other hospitals in place, or have you had such partnerships in the past?

Public display name

This is the display name that will be displayed on your profile and to all other InterSurgeon users and is separate from the Contact information you provided in Step 2. You can choose to appear as an individual (e.g. John Smith, MD) or as a hospital/department (e.g. Department of Neurosurgery, St Mary’s Hospital). You should not include your city or country in this name because that will appear beside your profile automatically.

Please choose a name that describes who you are accurately and succinctly. Please avoid adding multiple suffixes.

Profile description

Add some information here about yourself and/or your hospital department. We recommend a few paragraphs that tell the world who you are, what you do and what you would like to get out of InterSurgeon. Are you attached to a University and involved in teaching and training? If so, please provide full details here.

This description will be displayed publicly on your profile page

Please select the languages that you (or your department) speak. Select all that apply.

Profile picture

Now please add a picture – this helps to personalise your profile. Add your photo in JPG or PNG format, with a file size no larger than 5MB. You will be able to crop it after uploading.

Referrals and affiliations

Attaching a referee to your account may mean that your account is approved sooner. Referees may be contacted by InterSurgeon to verify your relationship.

Click to search or start typing to find organisations. These will be listed on your profile.

Organisation alerts

Organisations sometimes look for specialists like you for overseas visits. You can opt-into receiving notifications from organisations in this way here. You can opt-out at any time too via the option on your profile page.

Clicking Yes here means that you will receive email notifications from NGOs looking for specialists like you. You can change this setting later by editing your profile.

Help Lightning

Remote expertise through the power of merged reality

Access to this ground-breaking technology is included at no cost with your InterSurgeon membership

Help Lightning allows experienced surgeons to guide and interactively assist others during operations in real-time, anywhere in the world

By checking the box here you consent to your name, clinical specialty, email address and InterSurgeon membership number being shared securely with Help Lightning in order to set up your Help Lightning account. Once your InterSurgeon membership has been approved, you will receive a separate email from Help Lightning asking you to set your password for that service.

Terms and Conditions must be accepted

Code of Practice must be accepted