General Surgery
- Paediatric
Obstetrics & gynaecology
- Specialist medical provider
- Maternal Medicine
- Family Planning & Sexual Reproductive Health
- Paediatric & Adolescent Gynaecology
- Minimally Invasive Gynaecological Surgery
- Labour Ward
- Vulval Disease
- Colposcopy
- Menopause
- Family Planning & Sexual Reproductive Health
- Labour Ward
- Vulval Disease
- Menopause
- Maternal Medicine
- Family Planning & Sexual Reproductive Health
- Paediatric & Adolescent Gynaecology
- Minimally Invasive Gynaecological Surgery
- Labour Ward
- Vulval Disease
- Colposcopy
- Menopause
- Cardiothoracic
- Critical care
- Obstetric
- Paediatric
- Pain medicine
- Regional
- Trauma and acute care
- Cardiothoracic
- Critical care
- Obstetric
- Pain medicine
- Paediatric
- Regional
- Trauma and acute care
The scope of our work
- Advice on clinical case management
- Operative surgery
- Education
- Bedside clinical teaching
- Didactic lectures
- Intraoperative teaching
- Skills training
- Equipment
- Donation
- Maintenance
- Provision
- Training
- Research
- Assistance with creating a full research partnership with joint research projects and academic exchange
- Assistance with data collection, audit and outcome measurement
- Assistance with specific local research projects
- Assistance in planning or establishing a training/residency program
- Observerships for trainees
- Supervision of trainees
- Teaching a new skillset to a trained professional
Our Mission Statement
It is a public hospital specifically dedicated to mother-child couples with the mission of providing quality care to improve the health of women, mothers and children. Our hospital is a training center for doctors specializing in gynecology-obstetrics, pediatrics, pediatric surgery and anesthesia.Administrative HQ
274 Avenue Delorme Tokpa Hoho Cotonou Littoral 01 BP 107 Cotonou Benin