Orthopaedic Surgery
- Paediatrics
- Orthopaedic oncology
- Hand
- Shoulder and elbow
- Hip
- Knee
- Foot and ankle
- Spine
- Trauma
- Hand
- Upper limb
- Pelvis
- Hip and knee
- Foot and ankle
- Spine
- Blast/ballistic injury
The scope of our work
- Advice on clinical case management
- Operative surgery
- Education
- Bedside clinical teaching
- Didactic lectures
- Intraoperative teaching
- Skills training
- Equipment
- Donation
- Provision
- Training
- Research
- Assistance with creating a full research partnership with joint research projects and academic exchange
- Assistance with data collection, audit and outcome measurement
- Assistance with specific local research projects
- Assistance in planning or establishing a training/residency program
- Exchange programmes
- Observerships for trainees
- Supervision of trainees
- Teaching a new skillset to a trained professional
Our Mission Statement
Our mission is to improve the availability of essential trauma and orthopaedic surgery around the globe by increasing access to high-quality education and designing innovative and affordable medical devices. We work closely with the Harvard Global Orthopaedics Collaborative, which establishes academic partnerships centered around improving musculoskeletal health equity through research, education, policy/advocacy, and innovation.Administrative HQ
19 Chestnut Ave Boston MA 02130 United States of America