General Surgery
- Breast
- Burns
- Colorectal
- Hepatobiliary
- Paediatric
- Vascular
Obstetrics & gynaecology
- Include obstetrics & gynaecology members that have not selected a subspecialty
- Trained paediatric neurosurgeon
- Adult neurosurgeon
Orthopaedic Surgery
- Paediatrics
- Hand
- Shoulder and elbow
- Hip
- Knee
- Foot and ankle
- Spine
- Trauma
Ophthalmic Surgery
- Cataracts and refractive surgery
- Cornea and external disease
- Glaucoma
- Paediatrics
Ear nose and throat (ENT) surgery
- Head & neck
- Laryngology
- Otology
- Paediatric ENT
- Rhinology
Urological Surgery
- Urological surgeon with paediatric interest
Plastic, Reconstructive & Burns
- Reconstructive surgery
- Brachial plexus
- Cleft lip and palate
- Head and neck
- Lower limb
- Paediatric
- Upper limb
- Hand surgery
- Non trauma adult
- Paediatric and congenital
- Trauma
- Burns
- Acute burns care
- Post burns reconstruction
Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Include cardiothoracic surgery members that have not selected a subspecialty
- Burn nursing
- Emergency and trauma nursing
- Neurosurgical nursing
- Nurse practitioners
- Obstetrical & neonatal nursing
- Operating room nursing
- Paediatric nursing (medical and surgical)
- Rehabilitation nursing
- Surgical nursing
- Urology nursing
The scope of our work
- Clinical Assistance
- Advice on clinical case management
- Operative surgery
- Education
- Intraoperative teaching
- Skills training
Our Mission Statement
Primary Surgery is a two volume practical handbook for surgeons working in low-resource environments, without much back-up, and even without specialist training. It is unique in its practical breadth, as it explains not only what to do, appropriate to the particular situation, but also what NOT to do, and furthermore to explain what to do if things go wrong. Many generations of doctors in remote circumstances have this book in their theatres and consulting rooms, and found it invaluable, and more help than many other more substantative texts. Volume One (Non-Trauma) has been recently re-edited and is available gratis online. It has been downloaded many hundreds of thousands of times. Volume Two (Trauma) is in the course of being re-edited, and will be available end 2020.Administrative HQ
ROUTE DE VEYGES 32 LEYSIN Vaud 1854 Switzerland